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  • Cici Collective

3 Steps to Gain Consumer Trust

Consumers want to engage with brands that are honest, authentic and reliable and not solely driven by profit. In a media-dominated world, there can be no secrets.

1. Understand Your Consumer

Whether you are new to the industry or an established business, you should completely know and understand your consumer. Conduct market research and communicate with existing customers to learn how they think and behave. Use social media to your advantage to find out what really ticks their boxes and to learn how your brand can help them. By failing to recognise their needs, you will quickly fall off their radar.

2. Be Transparent

Make transparency a core part of your brand identity. Become a storyteller by sharing ‘behind the scenes’ photos and videos of your team, your services, your processes. This will give your brand a relatable and likeable identity; one that your consumers can connect with on a deeper level. Posting live, authentic content is more important to today’s consumers than polished videos – think spontaneous and natural rather than rehearsed and contrived.

3. Action Your Words

It’s one thing to talk the talk, it’s another to actually deliver on your promises. How do your consumers feel when they engage with your brand? Use marketing platforms to encourage your consumers to leave feedback and reviews and don’t be shy to publicise these responses and opinions. Your brand will be valued for its effort to become more socially-conscious and ethically-aware.

It’s important to be upfront about the origins and processes behind your products and services. By revealing more about the inner workings, you invite consumers to forge a meaningful relationship with your brand, leading to greater consumer loyalty and success.


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